Psychiatry & Neurology Specialists located in Plant City, FL, New Port Richey, FL & Inverness FL
Bipolar disorder is a serious brain condition that can severely disrupt your life, wreck your health, and affect your personal and work relationships. Pragnesh Patel, MD, and the team of mental health professionals at Instic Health help patients restore their quality of life and regain balance with a holistic treatment that stabilizes their moods. If you have symptoms of mania or depression, call the office in Plant City, Inverness, Tampa, and New Port Richey, Florida, or schedule an appointment using the online booking feature.
Bipolar disorder was once called manic-depressive disorder because the condition causes mood swings from low-energy depression to high-energy mania. But bipolar disorder doesn’t fall into one category.
There are several types of bipolar disorder, and each one follows a different pattern:
This type is closest to the classic manic-depressive disorder. You typically have extreme mood swings between major depression and mania. Manic episodes are often severe enough to require hospitalization.
This type is defined by having at least one episode of major depression and at least one of hypomania. Hypomania causes the same symptoms as full-blown mania, but they’re less severe and seldom need hospitalization.
If you have this type of bipolar disorder, you have frequent mood swings, but your symptoms are less severe than bipolar I and II.
The symptoms of mania include:
Examples of risky behavior include reckless or drunken driving and going on a spending spree.
Bipolar depression has the same symptoms as major depression, including:
Patients with bipolar disorder often experience depression before their first episode of mania.
The professional team at Instic Health relies on the latest research and most advanced options to provide holistic treatment for bipolar disorder.
Your initial evaluation begins with a thorough review of your symptoms and medical history. Then your Instic Health specialist performs a comprehensive psychological evaluation to verify your diagnosis.
Each person’s treatment is customized to meet their unique physical and mental health needs. Most patients, however, receive medication alone or a combination of psychotherapy and medication.
Mood stabilizing medications reduce mood swings and prevent manic and depressive episodes. Psychotherapy or talk therapy helps you learn to manage stress, relationship and sleep problems, alcohol abuse, and other issues that can trigger bipolar mood swings.
If you need help with mood swings or bipolar disorder, call Instic Health, or connect with the team online today.