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Initial Psychiatric Evaluation Specialist

Instic Health

Psychiatry & Neurology Specialists located in Plant City, FL, New Port Richey, FL & Inverness FL

If you suspect you or a loved one has depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or another mental health condition, turn to board-certified psychiatrist Pragnesh Patel, MD, and the expert team at Instic Health in Plant City, Inverness, Tampa, and New Port Richey, Florida. They complete an initial psychiatric assessment to diagnose your condition and develop effective treatments. At the first sign of constant sadness, fear, or addiction, call Instic Health or book an appointment online today.

Initial Psychiatric Evaluation Q & A

What is an initial psychiatric assessment?

An initial psychiatric assessment is an in-depth evaluation of your mental health. Your Instic Health expert collects the information needed to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. They assess social, psychological, and biological factors that often contribute to mental health issues and create a detailed report. 

What happens during an initial psychiatric assessment?

When you arrive at Instic Health for an initial psychiatric assessment, welcoming staff members greet you. They check your vital signs, complete a physical exam if needed, and ask about your lifestyle, medical history, family medical history, and symptoms you may have. 

Your psychiatrist looks for signs and symptoms associated with the following mental health disorders:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Attention-deficit disorder (ADD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTDS)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) 
  • Substance abuse disorder, including alcohol abuse
  • Schizophrenia
  • Eating disorders

They ask you a series of questions and write a comprehensive diagnostic report. Your mental health specialist may recommend you undergo blood tests or other diagnostic tests to detect or rule out underlying medical problems.

Should I schedule an initial psychiatric assessment?

If you experience signs or symptoms of a mental health disorder, an initial psychiatric assessment at Instic Health is a good option for you. 

Symptoms to watch for include constant sadness or fear, restlessness, anxiousness, guilt, loss of interest in favorite activities, or obsessions and compulsions. Traumatic flashbacks, thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, hopelessness, and addictions to pain medicine, illegal drugs, alcohol, or nicotine also indicate a need for mental health treatment.

Is mental health treatment right for me?

If your psychiatrist diagnoses you with a mental health disorder after an initial psychiatric assessment, they may suggest you undergo treatment for your condition. This can include:

  • Healthy lifestyle education 
  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy)
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Medications
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

Your Instic Health specialist personalizes mental health treatments to give you the most effective outcome. They complete follow-up assessments to ensure your treatment works the way it’s designed and can alter your regimen as needed.

Don’t let mental health struggles negatively affect work, school, relationships, or your outlook on life. Schedule an initial psychiatric assessment with Instic Health by phone or book online today.


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Substance Abuse

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Medication Management

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Alcohol Abuse

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photo of Instic Health

Eating Disorder

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Initial Psychiatric Evaluation

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photo of Instic Health

Suboxone Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)